A Guide to Asbestos Trust Funds

hen companies that produce asbestos-containing products file for bankruptcy, they are legally obligated to establish asbestos trust funds. These are designed to provide compensation for the millions of Americans suffering from asbestos-related diseases, including oil refinery workers and pipefitters to Marine Corps and Air Force veterans.

An experienced mesothelioma lawyer and legal firm such as Shrader & Associates can help you file a compensation claim. Take a moment to learn more about asbestos trust funds and how you might be eligible for compensation.

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What Is a Mesothelioma Trust Fund?

An asbestos trust fund is a bank account with money reserved to compensate individuals and their loved ones affected by asbestos-related diseases such as ovarian, non-small-cell lung, kidney, and esophageal cancer

Since the first asbestos trust fund was established in 1988, over 100 funds have been created to compensate victims of asbestos exposure. These funds were the company’s answer to the mounting number of lawsuits from people who became sick after exposure to asbestos-containing products. The sheer volume of these lawsuits forced many companies into bankruptcy. 

As part of their Chapter 11 proceedings, they were required to establish mesothelioma trust funds to manage current and future asbestos claims. 

People may refer to asbestos trust funds in several different ways, including:

  • 524(g) trusts
  • Asbestos bankruptcy trust funds
  • Mesothelioma trust funds.

When awarded, mesothelioma patients pay for medical bills, funeral costs, and lost wages. 

Who Is Eligible for Asbestos Trust Funds? 

People who are eligible to submit an asbestos trust fund claim must include the following:

  • Documentation indicating that you or a family member has been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease.
  • A physician’s statement that confirms the mesothelioma diagnosis.
  • Evidence of the location where you were or a family member was exposed to asbestos.
  • Medical records indicate that the exposure led to you or a family member’s current diagnosis.

How Much Is an Asbestos Trust Fund Payout?

The general payout for asbestos exposure can range from as little as $7,000 to $1.2 million. The compensation level from an asbestos trust fund claim will depend on the following factors:

  • The victim’s age
  • Their occupation
  • The severity of the disease

As of January 2025, approximately 60 asbestos trust funds are active, so approximately $30 billion will be available for current and future asbestos claims.

Who Decides the Amount of a Mesothelioma Payout?

Unbiased third parties make the compensation decisions regarding asbestos trust funds. Not only are these third parties responsible for establishing the funds but also for administering them. These third-party trustees consider some different factors when issuing the settlements, including the following:

  • They consider each claim based on evidence of the victim’s illness and proof of exposure.
  • The amount of money available in the fund.
  • The extent of the claimant’s exposure and the subsequent severity of their illness.
  • Given the number of victims expected to file claims, the trustees must retain enough money to compensate current and future victims.

How to File an Asbestos Trust Fund Claim

The same way you’d file a lawsuit is how you’d proceed with a trust fund claim. However, filing a mesothelioma claim requires identifying the companies culpable for your asbestos exposure. That is where an experienced national law firm such as Shrader & Associates can help. 

Regardless of whether you’ve been diagnosed with COPD from a job you had many years ago, for example, as a painter or working at a power plant, we have the experience, expertise, and resources required to ensure you receive maximum compensation. 

From performing a thorough investigation to identifying the companies responsible, gathering the necessary proof, and filing your claim, we’ll be with you every step of the way. 

It’s important to remember that you can submit a claim against more than one trust fund, and there is currently no limit to the number of asbestos trust fund claims you can file. However, there are time constraints when filing a mesothelioma trust fund claim. Each fund establishes these deadlines, and in most situations, this time limit reflects the statute of limitations for filing a mesothelioma lawsuit in the state where you file your trust fund claim.    

Why Do I Need a Lawyer That Specializes in Mesothelioma?

Hiring an experienced asbestos lawyer, such as one from Shrader & Associates, means they’re familiar with the circumstances and the companies involved in exposure to asbestos fibers. Our team of attorneys can navigate the legal system, gather documentation, and understand all your legal options.

Are There Alternatives for Asbestos Compensation?

If you’ve received a diagnosis of an asbestos-related illness, you and your family might qualify for compensation from multiple sources. Our team at Shrader & Associates will be able to help determine your coverage based on the companies that exposed you to asbestos.

First and foremost, if the company that exposed you to asbestos has since gone bankrupt, your only option is to file a trust fund claim because they are legally shielded from litigation.However, if the company is still in operation, you may be entitled to file a mesothelioma lawsuit against it, which would allow you to recover significant compensation.

Additionally, if while serving in the military you were exposed to asbestos, you may be entitled to receive free medical care in addition to tax-free disability compensation by submitting a Veterans Affairs claim.

Shrader & Associates: Your Asbestos Trust Fund Experts

Shrader & Associates is an experienced team of mesothelioma lawyers working nationwide. The asbestos trust fund claim process can be complicated, and navigating it alone can be extremely overwhelming. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping victims receive the compensation they’re entitled to. Contact Shrader & Associates today to learn how we can assist you in filing a successful claim. 

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