How Does Someone Actually Sustain Harm By Asbestos | Shrader Law
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We’ve discussed the various effects and symptoms of conditions commonly caused by exposure to asbestos. However, we also want to clarify a common misconception about asbestos exposure so individuals are aware of rights they have.

Before we continue, it’s important to know that asbestos exposure has to be direct. It can’t be something that’s in the walls, never disturbed, and then the homeowner claim that it caused respiratory problems. Instead, here’s how asbestos is actually harmful.

Standing Asbestos

Asbestos was commonly used in the construction of many homes and in various materials because of its high heat tolerance. When these products are made, the asbestos fibers are packed in tightly so that they are secure and in place.

Problems caused by asbestos are only a risk if the fiber is broken up and released into the air, in which case it can be inhaled or ingested. If the fibers are not broken up, they typically don’t spread and they’re not exposing harm to an individual.

However, for certain occupations, the fibers would be friable, which means that they can be easily crumbled. Whereas floor tile asbestos may be hard to break up and release, the asbestos used in insulation is easily breakable.

When someone is exposed to friable asbestos, they may have the fibers passed deep into the lungs. This can result in asbestosis, lung cancer, or mesothelioma.

Typically, these types of asbestos products are not harmful unless they are disturbed or damaged in a way that fibers are spread: ceiling tiles, floor tiles, cabinet tops, shingles, and fire doors. If they remain intact, there should be no exposure to asbestos.

Most of the time, asbestos impacts individuals who have had prolonged exposure such as workers in mines and those who work with insulation.

Our mesothelioma lawyers at Shrader & Associates, L.L.P. work hard to represent those who have been impacted by asbestos exposure. We can help you understand whether your at risk, what legal options you may have, and more.

Call our firm today at (713) 787-3733 to discuss a potential case.