Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

Malignant Mesothelioma

Millions Recovered for Mesothelioma Victims & Their Families

The effects of mesothelioma can be devastating. In many cases, victims of the disease have just a few years to live after their diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is directly caused by exposure to asbestos. This means that workers in certain industries, such as construction and the military, are at higher risk of the disease. While employers have a responsibility to keep their employees safe, the appropriate precautions are not always followed, and employees and their families pay the price.

Shrader & Associates has Aggressively Fought and Won on Behalf of Individuals and Their Families Who Were Seriously Harmed By Exposure to Asbestos and Are Ultimately Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

The complications unique to your circumstances don’t intimidate us. Our mesothelioma attorneys provide meticulous case investigation, thorough case preparation, and aggressive representation to each and every client. Over the years, we have won hundreds of cases and reached many verdicts and settlements that benefit our clients and ensure they are taken care of.