Because hernias are often a repeat injury, doctors often recommend the use of hernia mesh during treatment. By strengthening the abdominal wall at the site of the injury, this mesh can reduce the risk of subsequent hernias. This is a positive—but often, the practice comes with many detractors. Patients may suffer serious complications that land them back in the hospital after prolonged pain and discomfort.
These complications are not rare: Around 1 in 3 patients suffer some type of harm from hernia mesh. Despite this, multiple companies still make and market this product. If you opted for hernia mesh before you were made aware of its risks and then suffered complications, you are likely eligible for compensation. Our attorneys can help you understand your legal options and file a case for the expenses and difficulties you’ve been through because of this defective product.
Can I Sue After a Hernia Mesh Complication?
Some hernia mesh products have actually been recalled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of the frequency and severity of complications; others are still on the market. Whether the particular brand or type of hernia mesh you used has been recalled or not, you likely have standing to file a lawsuit if you’ve suffered complications like:
- Chronic infection: Patients may need surgery to remove the hernia mesh if they suffer an internal infection. In some cases, the issue does not present for years after the surgery.
- Adhesions: Scar tissue that causes tissues or organs to stick together.
- Bowel obstruction: Partial or total blockage of the lower intestine, often caused by mesh adhesion or migration.
- Mesh migration: Though rare, hernia mesh may detach from the implant site and move through the abdominal cavity. This often causes pain and damage to internal tissues or organs.
- Mesh rejection: Sometimes, patients’ immune systems react to the mesh and trigger an inflammatory response. This can be very painful and may cause serious illness.
- Mesh shrinkage (contraction): All types of hernia mesh can shrink; this can cause the mesh to tear away from the abdominal wall.
- Organ perforation: Migrating mesh can puncture internal organs.
- Fistula: An immune response to hernia mesh can lead to fistulas, or linkage between two organs or between an organ and the skin.
- Hernia recurrence: Despite having a hernia mesh implant, some patients suffer a recurrence at the same spot.
Not only are hernia mesh complications extremely painful, but they can also require follow-up care including additional surgeries. If you’ve been inconvenienced in this way, ask our lawyers if you may be able to file a case.
Symptoms of Hernia Mesh Malfunctions
Depending on the issue(s) a patient is experiencing, the symptoms may differ, but most are painful, and some can change your life permanently. They include:
- Redness & heat around the mesh’s location
- Buildup of fluid near implant (seroma)
- Bruising or swelling of the implant area
- Rash formation
- Pain and tenderness
- Difficulty urinating or defecating
- Erectile dysfunction
In some cases, pain may be the only sign something is wrong. If you experience continued discomfort in or near the area of your hernia mesh implant, it’s important to reach out to a doctor with your concerns.
We Can Help You File for Compensation
If you’ve faced extended complications after opting for a hernia mesh implant, your life has likely been impacted in many ways. Depending on the complications experienced and their severity, patients may suffer losses such as:
- Missed work
- Additional medical bills
- Pain & suffering
- Removal of damaged organs
Anyone who has gone through such an ordeal deserves the right to file for compensation—and we are here to help them do it. There is no excuse for the companies selling a product that carries a major risk for serious complications. If they will not make the right choice to take these products off the market, we’re happy to make them face the consequences of that decision.
Our attorneys have decades of combined experience fighting cases for patients who have suffered injury from defective medical devices. We’ve taken on big companies before and won big. When a client’s health is on the line, we do all we can to help them fight for justice.